Qingdao Puren Instrument Co., Ltd


Now Puren series of ion chromatographs (PIC) are widely used in drinking water detection,environ-mental protection, agriculture, quality inspection, disease control, chemical,petrochemical, univer-sities and scientific research institutions, etc.

Typical Chromatograms

  • Linearity and repeatability of cyanide by amperometric detector:
  • Linearity of cyanide by amperometric detector:
  • EPA300 10 anions analysis
  • Spiked chromatogram of tap water with 10μg/Lbromate
  • Simultaneous separation and detection of S²⁻ 、CN⁻ by direct current amperometric detector
  • 12 consecutive injection of cations sample
  • 7anions analysis in environment monitoring (the 4th edition)
  • Determination of melamine
  • Repeatability of Zn²⁺、Cd²⁺、Pb²⁺、Cu²⁺ by amperometric detector
  • Linearity of Zn²⁺、Cd²⁺、Pb²⁺、cu²⁺ by amperometric detector
  • Gradient elution of inorganic anions and organic acid
  • Determination of cations by suppressed conductivity detection
  • Analysis report of bromate in wheat flour
  • Cation analysis in environment monitoring(the 4th edition)
  • Simultaneous separation of CO₃²⁻ and 7 anions
  • Determination of Br⁻ in NHFR (Fire retardant) with oxygen bomb combustion
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