Qingdao Puren Instrument Co., Ltd


Online ion chromatograph, dual-system ion chromatograph, portable ion chromatograph, atmospheric aerosol on-line detector and related accessories.

Product Details


Triple-channel synchronous detection:
Detect anions、cations and heavy metals simultaneously;
Up to 48 samples per day;
The number of detectors (conductivity detector, voltammetric detector & UVv-Vis detector) could be customized;

60-days working period without maintenance and available gradient detection:
The eluent automatic generator for carbonate or hydroxide system is optional;
Automatic recycling water treatment system guarantees water supply;

Internal standard method for high accuracy:
Every sample is tagged with internal standard to improve the accuracy of the result.

Strong automatic data processing:
Draw the calibration curve automatically;
Automatic peak identification in a complex chromatogram;
Identify various components and analyze samples automatically;
Quantify every component's concentration automatically according to calibration curve;
Generate a printable sample report automatically;

Dual data backup mechanisms to enhance reliability:
Local storage:
At least one year's chromatogram data by the machine itself
Cloud storage:
Backup all data to the Internet automatically to achieve almost unlimited storage capacity.

Download and Browse data anywhere, anytime
Due to cloud storage technology, customers could browse the machine's data whenever and wherever they like.

Remote control:
Monitor the instrument's state anytime via a computer or mobile phone

Technical specifications:
Conductivity detector:
Detection limit(Injection volume 25μL):Cl-≤0.005mg/L(carbonate eluent); BrO3-<0.005 mg/L (carbonate eluent);Li+≤0.005mg/L; Linear range: ≥103 (tested by Cl-); correlation coefficient: ≥0.999;Baseline noise.≤0.5%FS; Baseline drift: ≤1.5FS
Amperometric detector:
Detection limit (injection volume 25μL):CN-≤0.001mg/L, I-≤0.003mg/L, Cd2+≤0.0001mg/L; correlation coefficient: ≥ 0.999;
Max pressure for pump: ≥36.0MPa; Thermostatic stability: ≤0.1℃/h

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